Zack Bush - Fresh New Start

Last year Zack Bush, co-owner of Little Havana bar Ball & Chain, was devastated after the death of Sandra Bland, an African American woman who was arrested and later found hanging in her prison cell, dead. At the time, Bland was just the latest in a string of police killings involving unarmed or nonviolent black men and women, coming on the heels of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Freddie Gray.

Just last week, video circulated of another police shooting involving Alton Sterling, a black man who was shot in Baton Rouge while he appeared to be subdued and not posing an immediate threat to officers. Then shortly after another video of  Philando Castile being shot and killed in his car by a police officer in Minnesota.

All these tragedies moved Bush to write a song he called "Fresh New Start." After recording an initial demo, singing the lyrics himself, Bush was connected to producer James Bunton who brought in singer Sonna Rele.

This version was uploaded to YouTube on June 21 with a simple lyric video. In a little over a week, it has been viewed over 50,000 times, helped by Bush's efforts to circulate the video on social media.

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